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Support your active life and your active body.

FUTURO™ ready-to-use supports and braces put science to work for you to provide the comfort, fit and compression you need to get the most out of each motion. Here’s how they do it!

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    The warmth created by the special texture and fit of FUTURO supports promotes microcirculation within the small vessels in the areas that need healing. This increases metabolic activity in the warmer areas so that more oxygen and nutrients can reach the tissue and support the healing process.

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    The gentle compression that FUTURO supports exert, both on the joint and the underlying soft tissue, prevents the painful accumulation of fluid. Swelling in the joints subsides faster and tension in the soft tissue diminishes. Soon, you feel pain relief and the increased energy that comes with healthy circulation.

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    FUTURO supports use continuous, gentle pressure to stimulate special receptors (proprioceptors) in the skin and tissue. This invigorating process can improve your body’s biomechanics and coordination of muscles.

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    Proven by consumers

    FUTURO supports and braces are supported by an expert panel of engineers and medical professionals. These products have been demonstrating their beneficial effects in the prevention and relief of joint pain for over 70 years with patients all over the world. Now it’s your turn to experience the science behind FUTURO supports.

Joints 101

  • FUTURO™ Supports: Designed to Help Relieve Joint Pain

    Whether you are dealing with chronic joint pain that has developed slowly over time or acute pain due to a recent injury, you want relief. Managing joint pain properly facilitates recovery, prevents additional health complications and improves your overall quality of life. FUTURO™ Supports and Braces provide you the correct support, comfort and fit you need, anytime, anywhere. Learn more about your joints, the common conditions associated with each and how FUTURO™ supports can help.

    This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a doctor with any questions regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read here. s


The knee is one of the largest joints in the human body, and one of the most complex. With its incredible three-dimensional range of motion, the knee can be a source of pain due to injury, aging, surgery or physical inactivity. See below for some of the common problem areas.


    "Damage to the meniscus can usually be traced to wear on the joint – over the years the tissue loses its elasticity and is no longer as firm. Accidents, such as those that occur during skiing or basketball, often play only a secondary role. Though trauma can cause damage on its own in some cases, chronic overuse or incorrect use of this joint in our day-to-day lives – even if we’re unaware of a problem – constitutes another cause of injury. Pain is noticeable in everyday movements. Knee supports, in combination with appropriate athletic activities and physical therapy, are a component of treatment."


    "Injuries to the cruciate and collateral ligaments are usually the result of an accident in which external forces acting on the knee exceed what the ligaments can handle. Whether you’ve been skiing or playing soccer, intense pain, rapid swelling of the knee joint, and little or no movement are all signs that point to a possible ligament injury. Many ligament injuries require surgery. Knee supports complement subsequent rehabilitation efforts."


    "In addition to normal, age-related wear and tear on the knee, the joint can also be worn down or its cartilage damaged if an individual is significantly bowlegged or knock-kneed. Changes such as these can sneak up on a person, with pain often first appearing during perfectly normal, day-to-day activities. In its advanced stages, this condition severely limits the movement of the joint. Anti-rheumatoid painkillers along with a knee support can help reduce or even eliminate pain"


    "This term encompasses a variety of different conditions related to the kneecap (patella). These conditions range from disorders of the upper leg muscles to a congenital malformation in which the kneecap is prone to lateral dislocation. Typically, pain occurs when walking, running or straightening up after squatting. Helpful treatment options can include physical training for the thigh muscles aimed specifically at improving their ability to hold the kneecap in place and/or move it properly. The use of a knee support is also helpful." 

    This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a doctor with any questions regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read here.

    Knee Fact Sheet

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The wrist is possibly the most important joint of all in our professional and private lives. Our hands and fingers are involved in nearly every aspect of our work, whether we’re performing athletics, music, or computer work. This constant use means that the risk of injuring our wrists is extremely great, and when compounded over the years, chronic overexertion can wear at these joints, causing some of the painful conditions described below.


    Radial fractures and scaphoid fractures can cause intense pain in the wrist. Depending on the type and location of the injury, the fracture must first be set and then immobilized using a cast on the forearm. This cast can be removed after approximately four to twelve weeks, at which point the joint is free and the patient can begin to move it a little bit at a time. Recovery can be aided by physical therapy and the use of wrist supports.


    "Fractures, dislocation of the carpal bones and years of improper use or overuse can damage articular cartilage, causing pain that cannot be precisely localized and occasionally causing the wrist to swell. X-rays can be used to make a conclusive diagnosis. Cases of acute osteoarthritis can be treated with pain relievers, and wrist braces or supports that prevent extreme movements of the wrist. The affected wrist should also be given a rest and kept protected."


    "Formed by the bones of the wrist and a transverse ligament, the carpal tunnel accommodates various flexing tendons and the median nerve, which provides sensation to the fingers. Pain arises in the hand when this tunnel becomes constricted, a condition that may result from hematomas or from overtaxing the wrist. The most typical symptom is painful paresthesia in the fingers (such as an unpleasant tingling sensation) occurring mostly at night. Shaking or rubbing the affected hand is helpful for immediate relief, whereas long-term treatment includes improving the symptoms through the use of splints that immobilize the wrist"


    "Tenosynovitis is a condition affecting the tendons that run along the back of the hand and that stretch (extend) the fingers and thumbs. Problems arise when these tendons become swollen due to overexertion or to changes caused by rheumatoid diseases. The joint should be given a rest and ice applied if necessary; above all, do not overtax the joint. Anti-rheumatoid agents provide rapid pain relief, as do wrist supports that stabilize the affected area by applying slight pressure."

    This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a doctor with any questions regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read here.

    Hand & Wrist Fact Sheet

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The ankle is a wobbly matter – literally! Just about everyone knows the pain that comes from missing your step and twisting your ankle. This pain is usually the result of the lateral ligaments or the outer ankle having undergone a major strain, sometimes even resulting in a broken bone. While both of these scenarios can play out in everyday life, injuries to the upper ankle occur most commonly in sports, where special care should be taken to protect the ankle. Here are some of the more common injuries.


    When the ankle is in a “foot pointing down” position, the bones are less stable and the joint relies on ligaments and muscles for stability.


    The inward twisting of the foot – one of the most common ligament injuries of all – tears the outer (lateral) ligaments in varying degrees of severity, making any movement of the upper ankle joint extraordinarily painful. It would be advisable to have a medical professional examine a twisted ankle to make sure that no bones are broken. In addition to physical therapy, treatment often includes elevation, bracing, rest, ice and compression.

    This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a doctor with any questions regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read here.

    Ankle & Foot Fact Sheet

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A number of anatomical structures are packed into a tight space in the elbow. This combined with heavy and constant use of one’s arm in everyday life make this joint especially prone to injury and disease. Diagnosis and therapy are often long, drawn-out processes and symptoms can cover a wide range. This page provides a brief overview of commonly occurring problem areas.


    "Tennis isn’t the only cause of elbow problems: a variety of daily activities, such as computer work or manual labor, can also stress this joint by overtaxing the muscles of the wrist and finger extensors. The result can be intense, stabbing pains, particularly on the external portion of the elbow joint. Treatment includes resting the joint and avoiding movements that trigger the pain. Local pain relievers and elbow supports can also bring relief, as can a whole range of physical therapy."


    "Golfer’s elbow is a condition in which the muscles that bend the wrist and fingers are chronically overtaxed. Just as in tennis elbow, rest, pain relievers and elbow supports are frequently the treatments of choice."

    Elbow Fact Sheet

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75% of all human beings have occasional or constant bouts of back pain, making this condition the second most common cause of visits to the orthopedist. It is the lumbar spine that experiences one of the greatest impacts when our joints wear down with age, making it suddenly painful to stand upright – an activity ordinarily performed without a second thought. Here are some of the most common back injuries.


    "The discs are a source of a great deal of pain in the vertebrae. The intervertebral discs located between each vertebra are elastic structures that act as springs and shock absorbers and allow the vertebrae to move. If the discs begin to thin out, the joints of the spinal column will begin to wear down over the long term and the nerve root canals will begin to narrow. These changes lead to painful nerve root irritations and an aching back due to muscle tension. Sometimes the pain will radiate towards the buttocks and the upper leg – the term lumbago is used if the pain is sharp and sudden. Powerful pain relievers are helpful for this condition in its acute stage, as is bed rest. A back support may also be effective and physical therapy is also often useful."


    "In its advanced stages, wear and tear can cause the fiber rings surrounding the disc to tear, allowing the internal disc material to escape and irritate nerve roots. The result is extremely painful tension in the back muscles making movement almost impossible. This pain can likewise radiate down into the buttocks and legs, causing neurological disorders such as paresthesia and weakness. An X-ray should be taken of the affected area, and an MRI or CT scan should be performed. Electrodiagnostic (EMG) testing is used to detect nerve damage. Powerful painkillers are helpful for an acute herniated disc. Physical therapy should begin once the acute symptoms have subsided. Back supports are also an established component of therapy."

    Back & Neck Fact Sheet

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From a stiff neck to classic whiplash, pain in the upper portions of the spinal column is a common complaint – and one that comes in many shapes and sizes. Pain can radiate downwards into the shoulders and arms, making it potentially difficult to determine a clear cause. This page provides a brief overview of commonly occurring problem areas.


    Seven neck vertebrae, the discs that separate them, the nerves that supply the neck and arms, arteries leading to the brain and a supporting system of ligaments – all of this is confined in a very small area in the neck. It’s these functional areas that what allow us to turn our heads and to bend and stretch our necks. As with all other joints and systems, the spinal column is subject to normal age-related processes, but strain or overload leads to painful changes as well. In addition, psychological factors such as stress, for example, cause bad posture and muscular tension.


    "Common causes of neck pain are narrowing of the intervertebral foramina and damage to intervertebral discs, potentially leading to constricted nerves. Pain initially appears in the area around the cervical spine, which is tense and hard. Pain radiating downward into the shoulders and arms can cause paresthesia. These types of pain can generally be relieved by local application of heat and a regimen of physical therapy that includes massage of the neck muscles. Muscle relaxants may also be included in treatment, as well as neck collars and/ or a neck support, which provides heat and restricts painful movements."

    Back & Neck Fact Sheet

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